THE RESEARCH CENTER - Qiaotech Medical Technologies


The Research Center for the Study of Gallbladder Diseases, Hepatobiliary and Intestinal Surgery, part of the Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China, is the only organization worldwide that has developed advanced equipment for minimally invasive procedures to remove gallstones and polyps from the gallbladder and its ducts without the need to remove the gallbladder itself.

Founded in May 2008, this research center is the first and only one in China focused on researching gallbladder diseases.

Key Research Areas Include:

  • Prevention of gallbladder diseases
  • Medical education
  • Diagnosis and treatment of gallbladder diseases
  • Surgical procedures for the removal of gallstones and polyps
  • Development of endoscopic equipment and technologies

At this date, this is the only organization in the world that has developed equipment for a new type of minimally invasive surgery to remove gallstones and polyps from the gallbladder and its ducts without the need for gallbladder removal.

Clinical studies conducted over the past 18 years indicate that stones recur in only 5-8% of cases. To minimize this risk, our doctors provide recommendations and conduct regular ultrasounds during the first 3-5 years after surgery. And even if patients happen to miss their follow-up ultrasounds after the surgery and stones do form, the procedure can be safely done as needed.

Our unique minimally invasive gallbladder surgery equipment was developed and patented in China and manufactured in Germany. We currently hold over 1,000 patents for our equipment and technologies designed for gallbladder-preserving surgery. Over the past decade, more than 6,000 successful operations have been performed on patients from China and 23 other countries.

Email your ultrasound results and get a reply about whether you can have the surgery.

Indications for Surgery:

  • A single stone with an echogenic shadow larger than 4mm or multiple stones of any size in the gallbladder
  • A single polyp larger than 5mm in the gallbladder or any size polyp in the bile duct
  • Multiple polyps of any size
  • A single stone or multiple stones in the bile duct, including sand
  • A stone adhered to the wall of the gallbladder or bile duct
  • Thick, putty-like bile containing mud and sand in the gallbladder or bile duct